Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Tattoo Tips: Best And Worst Places To Get A Tattoo

By Ashley Ford

The question that I get most often from people who do not have tattoo's is, "Does it hurt?" and the answer to that question is, "Yes." Then their follow up question will be, "What does it fee like?" Of course the answer will probably differ from person to person but the best way I can describe it is, it feels like you are getting stung by hundreds of bees at the same time.

So if you are interested in getting a tattoo, please know that getting a tattoo on your body is going to hurt, but there are definitely more and less painful places on your body you could get on. So this leads me to inform you on the most and least painful places on your body to get a tattoo. Please keep in mind every person differs from pain levels, this is just a general consensus.

Most Painful 1. The ankles or top of your feet

2. Eyebrows

3. Chest or rib cage

4. Your private areas

5. The elbow

6. Eyelids

7. Knuckles

8. Spine

Least Painful

1. Shoulder

2. Thigh

3. Butt

4. Upper Arm

If I didn't list a particular part of your body you are interested in knowing about, just keep this in mind. The more boney and less fatty an area on your body is the more painful that tattoo is going to be, due to the fact that there is nothing there to help take the pain expect for your nerves and skin.

Your tattoo friend


Here are some great Tattoo Designs you can check out!

Permalink 3 Comments The History Of Tattoos

July 23, 2008 at 7:38 pm (tattoo) (history of tattoos, tatoo, tatoos, tatto, tattoo, tattoo design, tattoo designs, tattoo history, tattoos, tattos)

It is safe to say that nearly 50% of people from the age of 18 to 35 have at least one tattoo. So one might think were did tattoos come from and how long have they been around.The word tattoo comes from the Polynesian word, 'tatao', which means to tap or to mark someone. It has been reported that tattoos have been around for nearly 5,000 years. Archaeologist have found that tattoos can be traced to such countries as Egypt, Roman, Greek and Japanese regions. Of course tattoos have not always been used for personal body art like most people use them as today.

Tattoos over the years have been used for several reasons, such as, symbols of rights, symbols of rank and seniority or being juniors, symbols of spirituality, devotion, religion, rewards and awards for bravery, amulets, talismans and security. Oddly enough tattoos were also used as a form a punishment, they were also used to mark someone as an outcast, as well as marking slaves and people who have been convicted of a crime.

There are still very few religions out there that require their followers to have a certain tattoo indicating that they are part of this particular religion and what their status maybe. This is still a common practice that is used today by gang members.

The very first electronic tattoo machine was invented in 1890, by American tattoo artist named Samuel O'Reilly. This is when the new era of tattoo started when people got tattoos on different parts of their body not signifying any association to a particular group. However, tattoos were still looked upon as non sense and they were only suitable for drunkards, sailors and sometimes, criminals.

Ironically, in today's time tattoos are not looked down upon and are actually accepted and considered the hip cool thing to have. They are now considered as a fashion symbol and not a simple mark.

Your tattoo friend


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